For most of my adult life, I've had friends, family, coworkers, employers, and even my pastors reach out and ask me to check their written work. I always had a knack for noticing errors, and I was happy to help because I enjoyed it.

It wasn't until a few years ago, after becoming active on the author/writer side of the indie romance community while working on my own writing, that I realized most of my author friends don't think editing is nearly as much fun as I think it is. Most don't like it much at all. Go figure. So I decided to start a proofreading and editing business focused on helping romance authors.

If you're familiar with CliftonStrengths, and noticed that Intellection, Input, and Learner are in my Top 5, then you can probably predict what I did next. I took classes and read books, consuming and collecting as much information as possible. My aim was to sharpen my skills, become familiar with the industry, and ensure my skill set met industry expectations and quality standards before offering services for payment.

I'm passionate about the romance genre, especially indie romance, and would love the opportunity to help your book become the best it can be. If you think we might be a good fit, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm happy to answer your questions, and discuss your book goals with you.

Completed Courses & Trainings

My Top 10


1. Adaptability
2. Intellection
3. Input
4. Individualization
5. Learner
6. Consistency
7. Connectedness
8. Relator

9. Empathy

10. Maximizer

Hi, I'm Angela, a.k.a. Hattie, an editor and proofreader who specializes in romance.

Romance is my favorite genre and makes up around 98 percent of my book consumption. I've always enjoyed reading, but I never kept track until mid-2018 when I started reviewing everything I read. Since then, I've read and reviewed approximately 700 romance novels, and the number keeps growing.

I'm also a writer with a rom-com series in progress—currently four books in various stages of completion—that I plan to self-publish. If you found me through social media, my pen name probably directed you here. Whether you know me as Angela or Hattie, I answer to both, so feel free to use either name.


Fun (Mostly Non-Bookish) Facts About Me

Neurodivergent | Gen X (Xennial) | Gemini Sun (Taurus-Gemini cusp), Pisces Moon, Aquarius Rising | ENFP (E-55% N-64% F-53% P-60%) | Enneagram: 4w5

  • I'm an ambivert straddling the line between introversion and extroversion.
  • Things I Love: books, humor, cats, coffee, all of the arts, HEAs, binge-watching shows, trash TV, salty snacks
  • Countries I've Visited: Holland, England, Italy, Germany, Austria, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Canada
  • I love singing, and for over 10 years, in my 20s and 30s, I sang with bands performing at various venues. I also recorded in the studio a few times.
  • As a child, I took 10 years of dance training in 5 different genres and performed at local events. I still enjoy dancing, but I quit taking lessons right before high school, so I don't have the skills or flexibility I once did.
  • I have a graphic arts degree that I'll never use. I've always preferred the hands-on approach of creating fine art: drawing, painting, and sculpting.
  • I've enjoyed reading and writing for as long as I can remember, but when I'm not doing either, I watch a lot of TV. Reality dating shows are my not-so-guilty pleasure.
  • I don't like sports at all, but I love sports romances in an over-the-top irrational way. They're like cat nip for me.
  • I have a quirky sense of humor that can be irreverent, warped, and dark at times. I think any subject can be funny if the delivery is right.
  • I have a curious mind, always looking for answers. My search history is wild and not what most would expect from a romcom writer.
  • I'm a course junkie. I just love to learn. Like my book collection, I probably have more courses than I can finish in this lifetime.
  • General Proofreading: Theory & Practice (certificate course; Proofread Anywhere)
  • Copyediting Fiction (certificate course; Editorial Freelancers Association)
  • The Art of Line Editing (certificate course; Edit Republic)
  • Proofreading and Copyediting 101 (certificate course with accredited CEUs; Universal Class)
  • Poynter ACES Certificate in Editing (6-course certificate program; The Poynter Institute)
  • Cleaning Your Copy: Grammar, Style and More (course, The Poynter Institute)
  • Proofreading 101 (webcast; The ACES Academy)
  • Working with Self-Publishing Authors (webcast; The ACES Academy)
  • Developing a Quality Editorial Process End-to-End (webcast; The ACES Academy)
  • Bricklaying: Editing for Structure (webcast; The ACES Academy)
  • Sensitivity Reading and Beyond: Empowering Editors to Talk About Conscious Language and Representation (webcast: The ACES Academy)
  • Respect: How Editors and Writers Can Build Great Relationships (webcast: The ACES Academy)
  • The Art of Feedback (EFA Webinar)
  • Demystifying Macros: A Beginner's Guide (EFA Webinar)
  • Guiding Your Clients to Successfully Self-Publish (EFA Webinar)
See Me In Action

This video is from my first time ever doing a "live." The event was for Author Ever After, a community of aspiring indie romance authors mentored by Danika Bloom. The first half is an AMA where I'm answering questions, mostly about self-editing. There's a live blue pencil critique starting around the 28-minute mark, where I do a 500-word copy/line edit in a single pass in real time.